Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Student Apartment at Wohnheim Brentanostraße

 Wohnheim Brentanostraße

Address: Brentanostraße 50A, 12163 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 30 939398990

Guy: Student dormitory
Near Wohnheim Brentanostraße:
a 149 meters chemistry lessons: Free University of Berlin - Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
a 244 meters Packaging design specialists: Berndt+Partner Creality GmbH
a 251 meters veterinary pharmacies in: Free University of Berlin Institute of Pharmacy

Student Accommodation at Wohnheim Theodor-Heuss-Platz

 Wohnheim Theodor-Heuss-Platz

Address: Theodor-Heuss-Platz 5, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 30 939398995

Review: "Nice student apartment with very affordable price."
Guy: Student dormitory
Near Wohnheim Theodor-Heuss-Platz:
a 62 meters Telemarketing services specialists: Abramo Deutschland GmbH
a 89 meters humor theaters in: Die Wühlmäuse
a 115 meters plasterboard companies: Bekaert Deutschland Gmbh

Student Apartment Berlin - Wohnheim Sewanstraße

 Wohnheim Sewanstraße

Address: Sewanstraße 173 - 179, 209, 219, 10319 Berlin, Germany
Schedule: Opens at 9:00 AM
Telephone: +49 30 939398990

Review: "Large student dormitory"
Guy: Student dormitory
Near Wohnheim Sewanstraße:
a 93 meters donate furniture: Sewan-Kaufhaus
a 106 meters cheap swimming pools in: Schwimmhalle Sewanstraße - Berliner Bäder
a 299 meters moving companies in: Transport Berlin 24h

Rooms in Berlin - Wohnheim Franz-Mehring-Platz

 Wohnheim Franz-Mehring-Platz

Address: Franz-Mehring-Platz 2/3, 10243 Berlin, Germany

Review: "Student hostel at an affordable rent."
Guy: Student dormitory

Near Wohnheim Franz-Mehring-Platz:
a 99 meters newborn photographer: Bewerbungsfotos Friedrichshain / Atelier Monobloque
a 102 meters image consultant: Imageconsulting Berlin - Sophie B. Krüger
a 122 meters aerobox classes: Fitness Company Berlin

The Student Hotel Berlin (Great Option)

 The Student Hotel Berlin

Address: Alexanderstraße 40, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 30 31198339

Review: "Clean and well-organised hotel for students accommodations in Berlin"
Guy: Hotel
Near The Student Hotel Berlin:
a 66 meters hip hop club in: Beate Uwe
a 67 meters translations website: Haynes Language Services
a 69 meters photo book for couples in Galya Feierman Photography

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Cheapest Rooms at Victor jara Berlin

 Victor jara Berlin

Address: Oberfeldstraße 111-132, 12683 Berlin, Germany
Web page:

Review: "The best student dormitory in Berlin!"
Guy: Student dormitory

Near Wohnheim Oberfeldstraße (Victor Jara):
a 226 meters football schools: Berlin Bullets Football Home Field
a 385 meters caravan rentals campsites: Van Berlin
a 510 meters car parts shops en: Wagner Autoteile GmbH

Cheap Accommodation in Berlin - Wohnheim Neue Hochstraße

 Wohnheim Neue Hochstraße

Address: Neue Hochstraße 49, 13347 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49 30 939398990
Guy: Student dormitory
Near Wohnheim Neue Hochstraße:


Student Apartment at Wohnheim Brentanostraße

 Wohnheim Brentanostraße Address: Brentanostraße 50A, 12163 Berlin, Germany Telephone: +49 30 939398990 Web page: